How to use Miswak sticks!?

Miswak can either be used as a stand-alone,or as an adjunct to the regular tooth brush and tooth paste.

However to use Miswak effectively,one has to keep these things in mind :-

  • To start, trim or chew off one end of your Miswak twig.
  • Continue chewing from this end till the twig becomes soft and forms bristles at the centre. To enhance this process,you could moisten the twig by dipping it in water.
  • Once you see individual fibres resembling ‘bristles ‘,brush your teeth using the twig,as you would with a regular toothbrush.
  • Remember to not use any toothpaste though.
    • Trim or chew further up for fresh bristles whenever the existing ones are exhausted.
  • 5.It is a natural Anti carcinogenic and an analgesic :-

    The benefits of Miswak sticks go far beyond the oral health.

    In fact ,research shows that they contain anti oxidant enzymes like peroxidase ,catalase, and polyphenol oxidase have anti carcinogenic properties, consequently reducing your risk of developing cancer.

    While the sticks aren’t likely to make much difference for cancer that’s already established in our body ,they can work as preventative measure ,to prevent it from occurring in the first place.

    Additionally,the active ingredients present in Miswak have analgesic, or pain relieving,properties that help deal with inflammation and pain,especially in the gums.

    4.Protects and strengthens the gums

    The gums are the soft tissue that surrounds the teeth and help keep them in good condition.

    Healthy gums are the foundation of strong teeth,so any potential problem within this soft tissue should be addressed immediately.

    Plaque buildup affects the gums ,as it affects the teeth. Development of plaque into tartar can affect the gums and teeth in three different ways,namely gingivitis, periodontitis, and advanced periodontitis.

    Most of us might have experienced the sharp pain on having something too cold or hot once in a while .

    However,if this is a regular in occurrence and is accompanied by swelling and inflammation of the gums, the condition is called gingivitis and needs immediate attention and treatment.

    If gingivitis is severe ,it can irreversibly effect the structure of your jawbone in a condition called periodontitis.

    Untreated gingivitis with a further buildup of tartar affects the underlying bony structures causing gums to recede,dentures become loose ,and teeth to be lost eventually,a painful,irreversible condition known as advanced periodontitis.

    Phew 😅❗️Sounds scary isn’t it⁉️

    Alhamdulillah 😇!

    Miswak sticks comes to the rescue here too.! By helping to prevent the formation of plaque,and the subsequent tartar accumulation.

    Brushing with Miswak sticks significantly reduces the chances of gingivitis and periodontitis by keeping your gums healthy .

    Benefits of Miswak

    3.Removes malodour :-

    Few things are more embarrassing in public like bad breath,and brushing with a Miswak stick can reduce the risk of it.

    Halitosis ,commonly known as bad breath ,has dozens of causes that range from a strong scented diet to untreated cavities or diseases pertaining to gums ,unhealthy oral hygiene.

    A lack of production of saliva can also lead to malodour.

    However,the condition is usually a sign that something is significantly wrong with your mouth.

    Miswak’s strong anti bacterial activity along with it’s property of enhancing saliva production in the mouth,are an effective remedy for bad breath.

    Additionally ,since its a naturally occurring substances,using the twig releases certain compounds that create a mild fragrance that is peculiar to Miswak.

    Benefits of Miswak

  • 2.Protects against tartar and plaque:-
  • Our mouth contains more than 700 strains of bacteria, and not all of them are beneficial for our health.

  • Did you know that plaque is building up in your mouth as you read this??!

  • Wait!.Dont rush to rinse now ,take a breath.

  • The formation of plaque is a common process. Plaque is the colourless film of bacteria that forms on the teeth and gum as the bacteria and multiply.
  • But while regular brushing can easily remove plaque,its build up leads to the formation of tartar -a visible yellow coloration that sticks to the teeth and gums and may cause gum diseases and tooth loss in future.
  • The easiest way to prevent the buildup of tartar and plaque ,and thereby prevent gum disease and tooth loss,is to brush regularly and in the right manner.
  • Miswak being the ‘tooth brush twig ‘ helps here.Brushing with Miswak sticks can help keep the bacterial levels under control through their anti bacterial properties.
  • Miswak prevents the bacteria from accumulating on the teeth and gums.
  • The use of Miswak for oral hygiene serves dual function,i.e, mechanical plaque control by friction between plant fibres and tooth surface and chemical plaque control due to it’s chemical composition;calcium and fluoride ions promote remineralisation of tooth structure and have anti bacterial action.

  • Research from the World Health Organisation has revealed that people who use Miswak regularly have fewer oral hygiene concerns than those who brush their teeth with other standard products.

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